Madras Miscellany

Help people on your way up ! You are going to meet them on your way down !

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Contrast’s 95!

The title itself may sow lot of doubts in the readers mind, but let me clear it straight away. CONTRAST’S 95 was the name of the Farewell party that we (11th standard students) to our Immediate and the only seniors in our school for their last year at the school. (They were just outgoing students, not outstanding by any means).

I remember, when we the students were asked rather ordered to contribute more than 100 Rs per head for the occasion, I was one of the four revolutionaries who went against the idea but then I was convinced to pay 50 Rs after 2 days of my unsuccessful agitation. The best thing about this whole issue was that my friend Mr. K Vijay ragavan. Was the title creator so to speak? Now I’ve to remind everyone that this is the 10 anniversary of that occasion.

During our videogame playing days we played this unbelievably great adventure game called “CONTRA”. Which in a couple of minutes became the name of the party with the year of the occasion becoming the suffix and just an addition of “st’s” we got ourselves a “Hi- Fi” name. Vijay himself was the master of ceremonies with his carefully written out statements and vote of thanks and the fake acknowledgement s to the teachers. The best thing about this was that the students who took the initiative for this big bash had to take back seat because of certain “English Factor”.
The party itself was along the lines of a college culturals with its shining name board in a thermocol courtesy Mr.Karthik (for which he was awarded a pen-set by his favourite teacher Sri.Rajkumar which karthik rates as highly as a “Nobel prize”). The hanging decorations and the artistic paper works and of course students in their neatly pressed clothes as if they are at the Oscars. Thank god finally we were out of our uniforms for at least 3 hours. Well every thing has to have some exceptions (Sundar AKA periappa if you are listening please come out of the uniform you are 26 now).

The lip smacking snacks were of the highest quality, Couple of Samosas and the ever-sour coke. 50 Rs for 2 samosas and coke is just 40 too many. To top that I had a ripped palm as I ventured in to the hand opening technique to show off my machismo. (Oh I hate Shoba).

Finally the fashion show, my god the day rather the night belonged to Somesh who was crowned the Mr.Model of the show and G.G.L.Priya the Miss. Model. (It was pre –planned). Somesh’s clincher was the phrase that he copied from Santh.” I am a bad Guy”, which inturn was stolen by Santh from the T.V show WWF.
After everything was said and done the show was a tremendous success for it’s conceptualisation and it’s glossy image. The day had a lot of tears, love, and respect, and warmth, discipline and in my case blood and a glance from Shoba, which made me feel like I was 6’10.

Contrast’s 95 was as bright as a Sirius 10 years ago.


  • At 3:49 pm, Blogger Vijay said…

    Good old times. absobloodylavadalutely Nostalgic !!

  • At 10:45 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Nice note from Satya...was able to remember a few of those incidents...I think you forgot to mention about you [good !] friend Vivek...

    Guys...can we meet once again??? May be this time we should try going out somewhere....if not atleast to Beach !!!

  • At 10:46 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That anonymous was me>>>..)))

  • At 4:45 am, Blogger Vijay said…

    Santh ... I didnt know about this heroic attempt by sathya to draw shoba's attention. LOL !!!!! Sathya u i guess you should dedicate a blog about your desperate attempts !

    Muscles Balaji ? r u referring to our classmate balaji ?????

    wat say ?

  • At 1:31 pm, Blogger Sathyanarayanan said…

    Dei Pasangala,
    Everythin that i've said is true da and FYI Santh there was coke at that time and if still don't believe me ask Mario champ.

    And Vijay.K.Ragavan u very well know about the bloody Incident.I've told u a millions of times.

    Jaykumar y don't u share with us ur experience on that Fateful day.

    Somesh U still Remember "Iam A bad boy"

  • At 2:15 pm, Blogger Vijay said…

    SANTH...yeah i remember. He would have proposed to all the women in town by now !

  • At 9:45 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This is just amazing.. taking us back to those good memories we still hold in some corner of our heart.. Is Satya was behind Shoba there was a big bunch of crazy idiots behind her elder sis as well. And you jokers were "calling" about it.. if you realize what "Dey Ganeshu Pan parak konda da!" means.

    Anyway, i just managed to dig out photographs of this.. There is this wonderful photo of KArthik accepting the nobel prize from mickey mouse with a huge beaming smile on his face.

    As an afterthought, hey Satya I do agree the Rs. 50 bucks was maybe 40 too many.

    Ah good old times.. where Santh was still normal.. we were still porikifying the streets of T'cane and mama Dilip was a lot into courting !

  • At 5:00 am, Blogger Vijay said…

    Somesh.. LOL ! how can we forget that paan parak... and i very well remember we calling up all the utiliy companines straight out of white pages and asking them to contact us at shoba's number, so that they wouldnt suspect us. haha... what a brilliant 'ocean's eleven' type idea! Anyway approver santh would have let the cat, should i say cats out of the bag ! wat say....

    good stuff ? what happened to your blog ?

    keep posting !

  • At 6:29 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    sathya as vidhu said, eventhough we were not there, i still remember how crazy u were abt shoba.
    and do u rememer u've explained me the n number of ur heroic activities and ur class room experience.
    pls forget evrything da, coz she has got married .
    but u don't worry i'll never forget to say all these things to ur wife

  • At 7:05 pm, Blogger Sathyanarayanan said…

    whoever it is do let Your identity out. I know i was fondddddddddddddd of shoba and i do now that she's married but she still is my 1st crush and she'd remain forever.

    I don't mind saying that.

    I guess we can't have another contrasts now, but we still are together as friends that is far better is it not?


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