Madras Miscellany

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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Conspiracy Theory – Is it true or not?

I was always fascinated about the enigma of space and its reach is absolutely endless literally. During my schooling days I was even made fun of when I said that I wanted to study space science, but that was 8 years ago. All of a sudden why did I think of writing about Space and especially about Moon? Why? Why?

Well a couple of days ago I saw this amazing video, which sent chill down my spine. This is an interestingly controversial and controversially interesting Video, which made me ask questions like could this be a Hoax? Did we ever?
This is a T.V show, which was televised in America about 4 years ago on Fox regarding the “Landing on the moon - Is It a Hoax?”

I was absolutely shocked to see the evidences that were put forward in support of the Hoax. For Instance The Photographic images that were supposedly taken on the moon seem to have the lighting anomaly. The Experts say that source of light has to come only from the sun which means that the shadow has fall on only one direction and yet they find shadows on different directions.

Similarly the technology that existed in those times (1969) weren’t that good which means that the live pictures coming from such a long distance would have been impossible. The so-called landing itself has raised so many questions, for instance the rover, which landed on the moon, must have created huge “Blast craters”, yet there is no such crater.

Before the actual launch of the spacecraft Apollo 11 in 1969, One Particular Astronaut Mr.Grissom seems to have raised a question about the communication between the base station and the craft, when they tested the communication gadgets in a simulated craft about 2 blocks away from the base station. That simulation was such a failure that it killed Mr.Grissom although the reasons that are being said are completely different.

One other anomaly that the experts point out is the fluttering of the American flag. How is that possible? Every human knows that moon has no atmosphere and that essentially means no air. So how does the flag flutter? The technical Analysts also say that the radiation above the earth’s atmosphere is so powerful that survival is almost impossible, yet the astronauts with their space suit with some layers of Aluminium managed to survive without any side effects.
The famous words that were said by Neil Armstrong on July 20th 1969 when he (supposedly) set foot on the face of the moon was “ONE SMALL STEP FOR MAN AND ONE GIANT LEAP FOR MANKIND” still echoes in everyone’s mind, but now there are aspersions being cast on those words. Are they true?

The estimated cost for the whole Apollo Mission was estimated to be around 40 billion Dollars. That’s a whopping amount of currency even today. Could all these be just scenes shot here on earth with all the necessary props to imitate the moon? Did the Americans felt the pinch of the Russians? Russia then was the only country, which had sent a spacecraft (sputnik) before. Did NASA decide to pull of such a show since Russia was ahead in terms of rocket Science? Is NASA capable of pulling such a massive cover up only time can tell, which is 36 years behind……?

“One small step for man! One Giant leap for Technology!”


  • At 4:51 am, Blogger Vijay said…

    Great Post dude !

    Yet to see the video ! but read a lot about this contraversial cover up show which made everybody at nasa as comfortable as a bum on a porcupine(a bit a siddhuism) !!!

    Now if somebody asks me y bought a $100 telescope, i have a strong story to back up (with your post) and convince them that i'm also a part of secret spy team which is in search of clues intending to break the myth ! may b, may b not ?

    Nevertheless, Google says otherwise :

    check these links out !

    Hmm... houston we really have a problem !!

  • At 1:34 pm, Blogger Sathyanarayanan said…

    I wonder what that Opposite reaction that Santh speaks about is going to be.
    Mates, i don't know whether we all have been cheated out by this so called "Appollo Mission", it seems all the evidences point to it.

    But then who am i to Judge them? May be Dr.A.P.J Abdul Kalam can.!!!!!

    Vijay just grab that vdo and have alook at it and then post more comments.
    Santh don't worry i'll provide the light !!!! for u.


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