Madras Miscellany

Help people on your way up ! You are going to meet them on your way down !

Friday, September 30, 2005

The X Files – The truth is out there

Neither Fox Mulder nor Dana Scully could dig the truth out. Hidden for almost 10 years in about the depth of beyond infifnity. Let’s excavate everything well almost everything.

File 1: They did it!! Or we did it!
Now to lay the facts down it was orchestrated by “MP1” and “MP2” tagged along and as “SP1” I was just a puppet and the strings were very much with “MP1”and he was controlling me. “MP2’s” home was the stage and his telephone was the prop, “MP2” generously permitted for this drama to be staged. As usual “SO” was doing his bit with his trademark smile on his face, although it looked more like the evil smile.

This was all the fuel that was needed to light the fire for all the “Artists”, boy did they light a fire? It was as exciting as the match between India/Pakistan although I was frightened to my very soul, then I did have fun in doing that. I know that it’s a cheap shot but still I took it.

Starry Evening/night and “MP2”shot almost all of the back of a certain ----------. So we can pretty much say that we witnessed the “back” of --------. Why? Why? ----- “MP2”’s Titanic Crush on her. (Now she’s married too) wow! What a coincidence the same day “SP1” A.KA me was trying hard to impress ---------. My Machismo knew no bounds then. To fan the fire came the decision to name “MP2”as the male model of the Evening. Man o Man what a big mistake?

MP2 what do you think about that decision?

Now “MP1”,”SO”,”SP2” had a Himalayan Crush on Ms.G.G.L.Priya and they were trying hard to draw her attention, which went in vain I guess. Too many boils did spoil the cook that day.
“SP2” had too many balls in the air I guess just could not balance them, his crush and his love on the same stage and at the same time (Sweatssssssss).

File 3:Filmi Fever
Whenever someone has a crush on someone it is bound to get equated with the popular film of that time. BOY----The hero and GIRL--- The Heroine. In this case DILWALE DULHANIYA LE JAYENGE was my dream film and HO GAYA HAI was my National anthem(To Icy Switzerland and back with background music ringing).

What a crap? I can’t believe I did that.

File 4: Teacher’s day
1995 September 5th, As Super Seniors we were given permission to be as teachers for our juniors to mark the teacher’s day. But me the eternal opportunist took that chance and made hay while the sun shone for about 2 hours or so.

Yeikes, come to think of it now, what a dumb A#@ was I?

The X files will continue!