Madras Miscellany

Help people on your way up ! You are going to meet them on your way down !

Friday, November 28, 2008

"Nisha" is naughty

It has been a very long hibernation for me from te blogging lane and I suddenly come out of my hibernation and publish this on a day when Mumbai (Bombay) is under siege and Cyclone Nisha has wreaked havoc in Madras and Tamilnadu in general. On a day when stepping out was as difficult as dancing on a soaped floor i managed to do a survey and whipped my camera out and took few shots of the carnage. The pictures are just the tip of the iceberg,these are shot in my area Nanganallur(Madras) you can imagine the damage in other low lying areas.


  • At 9:30 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i love Nisha :)


  • At 10:13 pm, Blogger Sathyanarayanan said…

    Everybody does i guess the name not the havoc it has wreaked.
    Madras needs rain but not disrupt the normalcy but then it cannot happen, sort of caught between the deep sea and you(Devil)

  • At 3:03 pm, Blogger Nivedita Ram said…

    Luks like Venice in India !!! juz the positive side of it! Its high time Chennai geared up and got ready to face the ugly side of the rain. Death toll and causalities are mounting, people out there raise ur voice against the GOVERNMENT. V HAVE ALL THE RIGHTS.

  • At 5:06 pm, Blogger Sathyanarayanan said…

    All the rights we have, come on give me a break, We have for name sake and have we ever exercised it.

    This is reality,it bites and it pains, bite the bullet and live.

    Mumbai is an example.

  • At 11:55 pm, Blogger Nivedita Ram said…

    Loosers like u might accept this as reality. Sorry 4 being so harsh but there is light at the end of the tunnel....

  • At 1:15 am, Blogger Sathyanarayanan said…

    Alright you being the winner just show us the way, let me see as to how far is your voice being heard. and then Show me the Light? where is it?
    Wake up

    It is the light of the on coming train.

  • At 4:46 am, Blogger Vijay said…

    Sathya ... great pictures... you are turning into a very good photo journalist! Keep posting!

    @Niv… Its high time for each one of us to step in to the gutter and clean the mess, rather than pointing fingers at the government and definitely not the time for reiterating the Indian constitutional rights. I’m sure everyone is aware of that.

    Your views are totally irrational to the current situation and I can bet my bottom dollar that you wouldn’t have seen an election polling booth in your lifetime. So stop whining, leave a positive comment and if you cant clean the mess….shut up and move on…

  • At 9:26 am, Blogger Unknown said…

    All i can say is

    Voicing against the government is injuries to health

  • At 10:08 am, Blogger Sathyanarayanan said…

    Thanks, as i said these pictures are just few and from my area,there are quite a few areas which are completely submerged in water.

    I don't know if Nivedita has got any political background,she is very confident about the government.

    Good luck you have just won yourself 3000rs and 300gms of rice from Tamilnadu government. I guess you are not the one to wait for it in the serpent queue.

    S.K, you know about the government better i guess

  • At 9:47 pm, Blogger Nivedita Ram said…

    yooooo people out der,i never meant or said tat i have faith on this damn government, as vijay has righly said i also mean ...get down to the bottom of the gutter and clean it up!Our current govt has juz paved way for it.

    To Sathya: I meant the light at the end of the tunnel is dat people have started realising dat der is no point in trusting the govt anymore and am sure the rage of the Mumbaikers will definitly be in action. This will be the First step Against the Govt. Am ready to lead the way ..... The Indria Gandhi way.. bold and straight! any takers??
    Heard me? Am i loud and clear enough??

  • At 10:34 pm, Blogger Sathyanarayanan said…

    There are people who by and large vent their anger out on their local government/political officials and they can't be blamed.

    If you are courageous and want to lead the way then your days are numbered because these politicians mint money out of our misery.

    Example:Laying good roads, this was started when i was in my nappies and still it goes on and on and on.......

    I am ready to walk with you, how many more members can you rope in?
    Your happiness will be royally raped before you sit down for some rest.
    Classic case vivek Oberoi during Tsunami.


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